
Dear members and future members!

The lifestyle of the people living in the Mediterranean region has proven to be one of the healthiest and most enjoyable, based on available scientific evidence and the experience of people living it!

To advance the concept of the traditional Mediterranean Lifestyle (tMedLife) as a healthy paradigm for global lifestyle medicine interventions, we recently founded the Mediterranean Lifestyle Medicine Institute in Leros, Greece. The founding members include world experts in Lifestyle Science research, experienced Lifestyle Medicine clinicians, and leaders of national and global Lifestyle Medicine Organizations.

The Institute aspires to become a magnet for scientists (investigators, scholars, health professionals, and students) and policy makers from all over the world that will be coming to Greece and the island of Leros to not only study and learn, but also live the tMedLife!
I am looking forward to a rewarding and fun journey.

Labros Sidossis, PhD

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