The EYZHN program (National Action for Children’s Health) is a nationwide school-based health-promotion initiative implemented in Greece from 2012 to 2017 under the auspices of Harokopio University of Athens, Greece and the Greek Ministry of Education, Research and Religious Affairs. EYZHN aimed at promoting a healthy lifestyle and ultimately establishing good health among the paediatric school population of Greece. The program included three major action fields (Figure 1): the “assessment” action field, aiming at evaluating – at an annual basis – the lifestyle and growth status of Greek schoolchildren; the “education” action field, aiming at providing evidence-based information about growth, lifestyle and health to students, parents, teachers and health-care professionals; and the “intervention” action field, aiming at promoting the principles of a healthy lifestyle, with emphasis on the Mediterranean pattern, though multicomponent activities.

The “Assessment” action field of the ΕΥΖΗΝ program was implemented in Primary and Secondary schools of Greece in cooperation with the Greek Ministry of Education, Research and Religious Affairs. Approximately 4,000 schools participated annually and over 1,200,000 students in total were evaluated in terms of anthropometric indices, dietary, physical activity and sleep habits, as well as physical fitness level. The results of the aforementioned evaluation were given to parents as a report to increase their awareness of the health status of their children.


According to the pooled results of this nationwide health survey, childhood obesity is a major public health problem in Greece, given that ~35% of the pediatric population was overweight or obese according to international standards. Specifically, 25% and 10% of the students were classified as overweight and obese, respectively, with boys presenting higher rates of obesity compared to girls (11% versus 9%). The problem of excess adiposity was mainly detected at 8–11-year-old children, and almost 4 out of 10 students who were in the onset of puberty were overweight or obese. The regions of Greece with the highest rates of overweight or obese children were those of the Southern Aegean (38%), North Aegean (37%) and the Ionian Islands (35%), while the lowest rates were observed in the regions of Epirus (30%), West Greece (30%) and Thessaly (31%). At the same time, a significant proportion of Greek schoolchildren did not meet current guidelines on a healthy lifestyle, since only half of them adequately adopted the healthy Mediterranean diet and were sufficiently physically active, while 1 in 4 students reported inadequate sleep duration and low physical fitness level (cardiorespiratory capacity, strength, agility, etc.).


Based on the aforementioned observations, it is clear that childhood obesity remains a major public health issue in Greece and that students’ dietary, physical activity and sleep habits are far from international recommendations. To this end, the ΕΥΖΗΝ program also included several informative, educational and interventional actions regarding childhood weight status, nutrition, physical activity and health. The aim of these actions was to provide stimuli to the general population (children, parents, teachers and health professionals) towards adopting the principles of a healthy lifestyle. The figure below depicts the various actions included in each of the ΕΥΖΗΝ action fields.

Overview of informative, educational and interventional actions  

  • >1,000 hits per day on the website of the ΕΥΖΗΝ program ( The EYZHN web-based platform hosts general informative material (articles, fact sheets, newsletters, infographics, statistical reports, etc.) and experiential educational material for students of all ages (presentations, videos, interactive games, etc.), aiming at increasing their knowledge on the Mediterranean diet and provide them with skills to adopt a healthy lifestyle, as well as health education material and scientific bibliography for parents, teachers and health professionals.


  • >4,000 teachers of a wide range of specialties, of all levels of education, and coming from schools of almost all geographical regions of Greece, participated in the free of charge e-learning program. The e-learning program consisted of a series of lectures on human nutrition, childhood nutrition, growth and health covered by Greek academics, and aimed at forming a nationwide network of specialized teachers who have the skills to promote the Mediterranean lifestyle at schools, e.g., incorporate nutrition-based educational activities into the typical school teaching program, and organize educational lectures, seminars and health-promoting programs, with a view to expose students and their families to the principles of a heathy lifestyle.


  • >500 printed and electronic publications – references through communicating the results of the “Assessment” action field of the ΕΥΖΗΝ program to schools, the Offices of Primary and Secondary Education, parents’ and guardians’ associations and the media.


  • >10 scientific events, g., seminars for Physical Education Consultants, the ΕΥΖΗΝ 2014 conference entitled “7-year resolution and innovative applications in the prevention and promotion of students health”, and the Educasport World Forum 2013.


  • >10,000 students informed about the principles of balanced nutrition, the value of physical activity, and other relevant topics, such as food groups, the Mediterranean diet, body image and weight management, school performance, as well as food safety.


  • >100 presentations in schools of the Attica region, conducted at the Harokopio University of Athens and > 80 presentations in various cities and islands all over Greece (e.g., Thessaloniki, Volos, Ioannina, Arta, Agrinio, Kilkis, Larissa, Karditsa, Kalamata, Astypalea, Crete, Lesvos, Corfu, Chios, Samos, etc.) conducted via teleconference (skype).


  • >7,500 followers in the Facebook page of the ΕΥΖΗΝ program and >20,000 registrations in the monthly newsletter of the program.


  • >10,000 children and their families informed on of nutrition, physical activity and health in the context of public events, such as the event “Nutrition and Health”, which was held at the Syntagma Metro Station in cooperation with the Hellenic Nutritionists Society, and the event “Score on Health”, which was held at the Peace and Friendship Stadium (SEF) in collaboration with the project “Social School” of the Ministry of Education, Research and Religious Affairs.


  • >100 members in the nationwide network of health professionals of the ΕΥΖΗΝ program, aiming at promoting its actions throughout Greece.


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Students Living in the Islands are Heavier and have Lower Fitness Levels Compared to their Mainland Counterparts; Results from the National Action for Children’s Health (EYZHN) Program
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Breakfast skipping in Greek schoolchildren connected to an unhealthy lifestyle profile. Results from the National Action for Children’s Health program
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Association between fast-food consumption and lifestyle characteristics in Greek children and adolescents; results from the EYZHN (National Action for Children’s Health) programme
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Association of cardiorespiratory fitness levels with dietary habits and lifestyle factors in schoolchildren
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Current data in Greek children indicate decreasing trends of obesity in the transition from childhood to adolescence; results from the National Action for Children’s Health (EYZHN) program
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Association of Anthropometric and Lifestyle Parameters with Fitness Levels in Greek Schoolchildren: Results from the EYZHN Program
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Physical fitness normative values for 6-18-year-old Greek boys and girls, using the empirical distribution and the lambda, mu, and sigma statistical method